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Livestock in Turkey


Livestock is an important resource in Turkey, as the agricultural and animal sector is one of the main sectors in the Turkish economy. Livestock in Turkey varies according to geographical regions, climate and terrain, and includes many important animal species.
Cattle and sheep are the most common animal species in Turkey, where sheep are more prevalent in mountainous and desert areas, while cattle are more prevalent in plain areas and agricultural areas. Turkey also produces large quantities of meat, milk, eggs and honey, in addition to wool and leather.
In addition to cattle and sheep, there are other important animal species in Turkey such as fish, as there are many fish farms on the Turkish coast, and the fish is of high quality and exported to many countries. There are also other types of animals in Turkey such as poultry, rabbits, horses, donkeys, bees and cows raised for milk production.
The animal sector in Turkey enjoys significant government support, and the sector is regulated through the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Turkey follows advanced practices in animal health care and nutrition, and provides a healthy and clean environment for animals raised in farms and slaughterhouses. The animal sector in Turkey seeks to enhance productivity and quality.